Specialist Sue Turner will help you sort through this complicated topic. If you are concerned about: protecting your assets, maintaining your independence, quality of care and not becoming a burden, this class is for you. Gain confidence and knowledge in this informative and interactive class. Find out if LTC insurance even makes sense for you. Understand the terminology and how plans differ from company to company. Learn about the MN partnership plan, shared plans, and plans that return your premiums if care is never needed. Discover alternatives to LTC insurance. A question/answer period will follow.
Wednesday November 14th, 2016 | Eagan Community Education | 651-423-7920 |
Long Term Care Insurance classes are offered through community education. All classes run from 6:30 -8pm. Registration is required; a nominal fee is payable to the school district to cover classroom costs. No fee is paid to the instructor.
About the instructor:
Sue Turner is a well known Long Term Care insurance advisor and educator. As an independent agent specializing in Long Term Care insurance for 18 years, Sue has personally set up plans for over 1,000 clients. She has taught LTCI continuing education classes to insurance agents as well as classes on LTCI to the public through community education.
MN Health Insurance Providers
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