MN Health Insurance Exchange is part of the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) healthcare law that goes into effect on January 1, 2014. The MN Health Insurance Marketplace Exchange (MNSure) will be a marketplace for individuals and families to shop for their health insurance. In MN, you will be allowed to use a broker to assist you in comparing plans and purchasing insurance with no extra cost for the assistance. A MNSure assister at MN Health Insurance Network can help you evaluate if you will be available for a reduction in you health insurance premium calls an "advanced premium tax credit" (APTC) or subsidy. The amount of an APTC that someone may qualify for is based on their income - specifically their Modified Adjusted Gross Income or MAGI. What is MAGI? At MN Health Insurance Network, we will be here to assist you in navigating the complex world of health insurance so you and your family can get the best health insurance plan at the best price. MN Health Insurance Network has MNSure certified assistors to help you select the best plance for you and your family. We can assist you in comparing cost and coverage from all of MN's major health insurance companies: BCBS MN, PreferredOne, Medica, HealthPartners, and UCare.
How to Create a MNsure Account
How to Complete a MNsure Application - Without Financial Help
How to Complete a MNsure Application - With Financial Help
Will you be forced to use the new MN Health insurance Exchange to buy your health insurance? No! No one will be forced to use the marketplace exchange to purchase health insurance and you can continue to use an insurance broker if you choose. However, for individuals and families with lower incomes (from 138 to 400% of the poverty level), the only way to take advantage of the sliding scale and receive lower rates will be to use the exchange. The sliding scale is set up in a way where the less income you make, the less you’ll pay for health insurance.
The MN Health Insurance Exchange along with other MNSure certified advisors (MN Health Insurance Network and its brokers are certified MNSure Advisors) will assist individuals and families find the most cost effective health care solution. Whether a platinum, gold, silver, bronze or catastrophic plan is the best for you will be their to evaluate and compare plans and prices. Call us or visit our online health plan comparison tool.