Rate Increases for 2016 Individual Health Plans in MN
admin | October 23, 2015
With the open enrollment period for individual healthcare plans quickly approaching, many Minnesotans find themselves concerned with the recent announcement of rate increases. Individual healthcare plans that are effective January 1st are expected to experience an increase anywhere between 14 and 49 percent in cost. See the chart below.
November 1st marks the beginning of the sign up period and the cost of plans is creating much upset in the realm of healthcare affordability. The double-digit increase comes as a shock to consumers but comparatively, even with the seemingly sudden jump in rates, Minnesota healthcare plans are actually some of the least expensive across the nation.
Several intimidating unknowns exists for Minnesota residents looking to purchase an individual plan so it is recommended that individuals find a reliable resource that can assist with finding the proper suitability of coverage as well as affordability. Minnesota Health Insurance Network has several independent brokers that will work with you, the consumer, free of charge.
At Minnesota Health Insurance Network, we do the shopping for you. Visit mnhealthnetwork.com to get connected with a MN health insurance broker. Our brokers (MNSure Assisters) work to match the appropriate plan and price tag to consumer needs in a quickly changing healthcare market.